Ha! Just because I’ve goofed off for a couple of days, albeit in Greensboro, NC, doesn’t mean I’m worthless.
Here for your perusal is the piano score for “William Blake’s Inn for Innocent and Experienced Travelers” and an mp3 of the piece orchestrated.
Isn’t “double-ha” just a teensy bit harsh? I mean, we are all friends here, right?
Feh. If you were all friends, you’d be orchestrating this sucker for me.
I have the latest version of PrintMusic, you know. I’ll take a shot at one. Orchestrate–that’s where you give the piano notes to fiddles and horns and oboes and such, right? Let me see what I have to do to “dumb down” your Finale files so Print Music will read them…
How many fresh-faced precocious cherubs do you want playing in this here orchestra? What’s your instrumentation? What level of accomplishment in the players?