At tonight’s rehearsal, we got the hedgehogs comfortable with the stage and auditorium. We also got ourselves comfortable with being complete idiots with the Gang’s close order drill. It will be interesting tomorrow night when we have everyone there to put it all together.
Another half chorus night: Mike, Marc, Melissa, and me. The sound is not good. We’re not balancing, we can’t be heard, and half the time I can’t hear the monitor. Tomorrow night everyone but Denise will be there, so it should give me a little better idea of how it’s going to work.
This afternoon, I did get all the painting done, or at least to the point where it’s just touch-ups to finish: the snowdrifts, the band instruments.
I did a killer collage in Photoshop, using images from In fact, here it is:
This I simply glued to the Sunflowers’ suitcases.
Slap that paint! Spray that glue!
95 more days.