Things Joe Biden might have said after Sarah Palin asked him, “Can I call you Joe?”
- “That would be fine, Governor Palin.”
- “Whatever you like, sweetcheeks.”
- “Say, that’s pretty cute. Isn’t she cute, ladies and gentlemen?”
- “Really??”
- “Did John put you up to that? It sounds like his lame sense of humor.”
- “Sure, Sarah. Cute shoes.”
- “No.”
And winked at her.
She REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to use that “Say it ain’t so, Joe,” that her handlers had pre-prepared for her.
I agree. I was embarassed that Saturday Night Live caught it, in the first few seconds of that opening sketch; the “oh good, ‘cos i got a zinger prepared with that” (i’m paraphrasing)- and I had not.