OK, we’re going to pretend this piece is finished. For all that I know, it is: it’s 1:45 long, and it has a great ending. So what if the middle is crap?
I really do like the ending. It’s subtly different/improved from the original version I posted Monday, including some happy accidents. I love happy accidents. They make it sound as if I’m wildly inventive when really it was a slip of the keyboard.
Yes, it could probably use another 20-30 seconds after the surprise in the middle. For the time being, I need to follow Frank Gehry’s advice to his design teams: “Let’s let that sit there for awhile and annoy us.”
Wait…what…Where are you going?…it was a JOKE!
No, too late, I’ve already deleted it from my hard drive and destroyed all my notes. I’ll never compose again.