Back to work

Last week was an away game, so I got nothing done except a lot of Waste Booking.  Now I’m back with a handful of (major) emails to deal with, plus all my backlog of work, plus my taxes are due.

But first.

On Saturday night, my lovely first wife and I went to the Isis Restaurant and Music Hall in West Asheville to hear a group called Harpeth Rising, a trio of young women who played cello, violin, and banjo.

You are wrong: this was one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. The lead singer (violin) has a voice as good as anything you’ve ever heard come out of Nashville, and their songs are beautiful and incisive.

Some links, all of which I expect you to follow:

They ended their set with “Eve” and “Four Days More”, and I have to say that the tepid applause they receive in the video link above indicates brain damage on the part of their audience.  The crowd at Isis went wild.  I went wild.  They are simply amazing, and if they ever perform within range again, you will find me there.  And I will have dragged you along with me.

So what’s on my plate?  In no particular order:

updated to indicate completion… or not

  • Emails:
    • a couple of online references to fill out for former GHP faculty – √
    • renew the domain registration for — turns out this was not a legit email
    • Mike Funt is nattering something something about Miss Ella’s song—a couple of video links to watch; I think he wants me to rewrite the song for a different feel.  Will know more after I watch the videos. — still unclear
    • several emails from the nice, energetic people who have conned me into steering the Carnegie Library Foundation’s end-of-summer reading program party, which revolves around the game of Minecraft.  Oy. — replied to all; meeting tomorrow
    • blog postings for the Euphoria Burn art projects (which I didn’t write but am responsible for getting online) — √
  • from the Waste Book:
    • new ideas for the structure of the chapter in Lichtenbergianism on RITUAL
    • idea for storyboarding the Prelude from William Blake’s Inn (vid. sub.)
    • note to sign up to be a speaker at the Carnegie on Lichtenbergianism
    • todo: make garlic tahini dressing for LFW — √
    • recipe for a cocktail called a Thai Orchid (full story: my favorite bar in the world is Sovereign Remedies in Asheville.  We were there Saturday, and 1) the bartender Thistle, who has not seen me in a year, called me by name; and 2) another patron asked what I was drinking—it was a Molly 22A, one of my successes (I like to see what the guys at SR will make of my recipes)—and when I let her have a taste, she wanted the recipe to add to the menu at her restaurant, Fig, which was the first restaurant we ever ate at in Asheville.  So I gave her the Quarter Moon as well.)
    • notes for email to go out to the 3 Old Men crew today — √
  • from my ToDo list on the phone:
    • taxes — √
    • design a bodkin for threading EL wire into the labyrinth  — √
    • water the houseplants  — √
    • sew the 2″ channel into the long walls of the 3 Old Men labyrinth
    • complete a variance application to build an 8-foot wall in the back yard (current limits are 6 feet)
    • type up instructions for getting a blogpost onto the Newnan Theatre Company website for those who need to be doing that themselves  — √
    • print the scene from Henry VIII for my fellow actors for the ULTIMATE SHAKESPEARE DEATH SMACKDOWN, coming soon on Apr 21 to a Historic Depot near you  — √
    • prep the labyrinth for a Lichtenbergian fireside tonight — raining, so unnecessary
    • write that email to the 3 Old Men crew  — √
    • buy something called a “shark bite cap” for old pipes I plan to saw off in the basement
    • stow the four 5×7 rugs we bought to lay under our tent so roots and stuff don’t poke through the tent floor  — √
    • test the EL lights on a 3 Old Men labyrinth wall segment
    • do laundry  — √
    • start storyboarding William Blake’s Inn—on the way out of town last week, I bought a sketchbook to make myself visualize what a staged production of WBI would look like
  • Otherwise:
    • learn lines for HVIII
    • volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club around the corner—my first day today!  — √
    • get my ideas together for how the SHAKESPEARE SMACKDOWN will actually work
    • take some things to the cleaners

You will perhaps have noticed that nowhere in here is there anything about a) working on Lichtenbergianism; b) composing anything at all, up to and including Seven Dreams of Falling or my new secret project.

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