On Boing Boing yesterday, there was a blippet about the Troxler effect.
The Troxler effect, or Troxler’s fading, is a neurological effect, an evolutionary adaptation which allows us to tune out baseline information if it’s not relevant to our survival. Here’s the visual version:
If you stare at the center of this image long enough, the colors will fade away to nothing. Try it.
The effect is also why you can tune out the sound of rain after a while, or why you generally do not feel the clothing you’re wearing.
I bring this to your attention today because it occurs to me that we as a nation are at risk of allowing the constant firehose of corruption and anti-democracy statements on the part of our current administration to fade away, to become functionally irrelevant to our survival.
Do not allow it. Keep looking, shifting your focus. Keep the lies and the threats visible.
Pay attention. Help others pay attention.
Do not let it become background noise.