If only it were for a ducat…
It is finished, my first piece for the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra. Again, it’s called—for the moment—Resignation, and it’s based on the hymn tune commonly known as “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” in most hymnals.
It’s short; I could probably swing one more variation, probably a triplet thing, if I had to.
What you hear in the mp3 is pretty much the way it’s supposed to sound, although the first phrase is played by a solo violin instead of the whole section. Otherwise, there’s not a lot to say about it. I think it’s very pretty.
Resignation: score [pdf, letter] [pdf, A4] | mp3 [3:39]
Back to the cello sonata. ::sigh::
Oh, my people, that second verse is gorgeous. Who wrote that??
I listened through my surround sound. I was going to say gorgeous, but you’ve already said that. You’ve done yourself proud. Lovely.