Back to work at the workshop! Dale, Marc, Laura, Carol Lee, and Melissa in attendance.
Dale and Carol Lee shared their autographed copies of A Visit to William Blake’s Inn, plus other fun stuff from New York. Dale talked about the meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission tomorrow and some of the ins and outs of getting ready for the backers auditions.
Our schedule called for us to work with members of the octet on their role for the May 3 performance. None showed up. Ginny did, but she was still dressed for work, and since Denise will be dropping by tomorrow night, we sent her home.
We decided instead to choreograph Man in the Marmalade Hat from start to finish. We worked on movement for the ToastHeads, and choreographed their movement onto the stage. We coordinated that with the ice sprites and left space for the MMH. (Galen will be in tomorrow night.)
We then switched to the Gang and their role in the piece, their close order drill. We had choreographed it before, but basically we had to reconstruct it.
Now it’s all written down, on our wall-size chart of the lyrics of the piece.
Before we left, Dale read through the prospectus he’s prepared for the Arts Commission. We discussed some kind of ideas for budget. We are having some phenomenal ideas, and it would be a shame to see them fall short because of a lack of funding. But all the indicators are that forces are lining up that will make it all possible.
Before I went to workshop, I pulled up Make Way and took a different tack with it. I had forced myself to hear the piece in my head and listen to what I was hearing. I was hearing “lighter,” so I stripped out the flute/oboe combo for the opening melody and gave it to a solo violin. As it happens, the “Strad” violin sound is pretty whiny, but you gotta hear it under lights, so to speak. I think it will work.