Really minimal today. I ran through the next lesson on Logic, learning more about getting sound files into a “song project,” but didn’t really get anything done. The program is getting more and more complicated by the page. When I left off, I was supposed to be assimilating the methods by which you can assign key commands to all those endless menus and windows.
In other news, the vocal majors and jazz majors had their concert tonight. The vocal majors, led by David Reimschussel, were phenomenal. A smart, sophisticated program, perfectly performed. The jazz majors, led by David Springfield, are still learning, I think, except for one Chris Cassino, who was a marvel: tenor and soprano sax, and flute, and quite felicitous on all three. Add to that the fact that he’s tall, athletic, and quite good-looking, and you’ve got a total package. If he’s interested in a career in jazz at all, I imagine we’ll be adding his name to the Wikipedia article on famous GHP alums.
Before the concert, one of the double bass players came up to me and thanked me for the piece I wrote for them. Quite flattering, and he seemed to be genuinely pleased with the music. I want to try to get together with them and talk about their instruments, get a better idea of what sounds good on the instrument, what might be interesting to try, and what is clearly impossible.