It seems that in the sovereign state of North Carolina, your tax dollars earmarked for charter schools are far more likely to go to a religious charter school than not.
I keep thinking that if I work hard and focus on the end result, I can one day kill off my morals and scruples and get in on these Jebus dollars like the shysters to the north of us are doing.[1]

But Dale, I hear you asking, what religion will your school promote? This is a good question and I will now attempt to answer a completely different one.
The philosophical/moral/ethical foundation of the Lyles Charter School will be as follows:
- The 10 Principles of Burning Man
- The 9 Precepts of Lichtenbergianism
- The Big 6
- The Golden Rule
Let’s examine the prospect, shall we?
The 10 Principles of Burning Man
Those ten principles are:
- Radical Inclusion: Everyone is welcome, all types, all kinds, friends, strangers, and in between.
- Gifting: Gifts are unconditional offerings, whether material, service oriented, or even less tangible. Gifting does not ask for a return or an exchange for something else.
- Decommodification: Hand in hand with gifting, burns are environments with no commercial transactions or advertising. Nothing is for sale – we participate rather than consume.
- Radical Self-Reliance: You are responsible for you. Bring everything with you that you need. Burns are an opportunity for you to enjoy relying on yourself.
- Radical Self-Expression: What are your gifts, talents, and joys? Only you can determine the form of your expression.
- Communal Effort: Cooperation and collaboration are cornerstones of the burn experience. We cooperate to build social networks, group spaces, and elaborate art, and we work together to support our creations.
- Civic Responsibility: Civic responsibility involves the agreements that provide for the public welfare and serve to keep society civil. Event organizers take responsibility for communicating these agreements to participants and conducting events in accordance with applicable laws.
- Leave No Trace: In an effort to respect the environments where we hold our burns, we commit to leaving no trace of our events after we leave. Everything that you bring with you goes home with you. Everyone cleans up after themselves. Whenever possible, we leave our hosting places better than we found them.
- Participation: The radical participation ethic means you are the event. Everyone works; everyone plays. No one is a spectator or consumer.
- Immediacy: Experience things right now. Live for the moment, because that moment is fleeting, and you never get another chance.
Also the 11th Principle, Consent.
The 9 Precepts of Lichtenbergianism
You already know these:
- Task Avoidance
- Abortive Attempts
- Successive Approximation
- Waste Books
- Ritual
- Steal from the Best
- Gestalt
- Audience
- Abandonment
The Big 6
We haven’t really talked about these in a while. Here’s the main site. Essentially, it’s a curriculum structure for finding and using information, aka research.
Here’s the original language:
1.Task Definition
1 Define the information problem
1.2 Identify information needed
2. Information Seeking Strategies
2.1 Determine all possible sources
2.2 Select the best sources
3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically)
3.2 Find information within sources
4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch)
4.2 Extract relevant information
5. Synthesis
5.1 Organize from multiple sources
5.2 Present the information
6. Evaluation
6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness)
6.2 Judge the process (efficiency)
Here’s my elementary version:
1. What’s the job?
1.1 What are we trying to do?
1.2 What do we need to know?
2. Where will we find the information?
2.1 Where could we look?
2.2 What’s the best place to start looking?
3. Find it.
3.1 Find the sources of information: books, encyclopedias, Internet, cd-roms, etc.
3.2 Look up the information in the sources: use the index, etc.
4. Deal with it.
4.1 Read through all the information.
4.3 Get just the information we need: take notes!
5. Show it!
5.1 Put all the information we found together.
5.2 Present the result.
6. How did we do?
6.1 Did we do a good job?
6.2 Were we good at finding information?
The Golden Rule
Here. Read it for yourself.
That’s it. Unless I’ve missed something.
Wait, you want me to explain all this? Geez, who has time for that? What do you think I am, an educator?
Let me put it like this: if people want me to explain how this foundation would make a perfect school, they can request me to do so in the comments below. So there.
[1] And if Nathan Deal has his way, I won’t even have to move to Asheville to do it.