Dale Lyles is a retired educator with more than 35 years experience both at the elementary, high school and state levels. He lives in Newnan, GA, where he amuses himself by composing, painting, working in his labyrinth, cooking, and crafting cocktails. He also plays with the hippies at the Georgia burns, serving as Benevolent Placement Overlord of Alchemy 2016–2022. Every once in a while he will create theatre, but after 20+ years of being the artistic director for the Newnan Community Theatre Company, there’s not a lot of urge to do that. You can reach him at dale(at)dalelyles.com. You can also catch him at the writers group at Backstreet Community Arts.
Also too, check out his other blog at Lichtenbergianism.com
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Are your Curriculum Liberation Front mugs still available? I have one that I love, but I’d like to share them with others. I’m just finishing a project with the DC school system, revising the social studies standards, and I’d like to buy a mug for each of the ten writing leads. Could that be potable?
Fingers crossed,
Sorry not to respond immediately—somehow the system isn’t alerting me. Yes, they are still available at https://www.cafepress.com/lichtenbergianism/878145
Hi Dale,
I am Gerard Torres Sanmartí, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. I am sending you this message because I am currently doing a doctoral thesis on what I call residuality or artistic residue and I found your idea of procrastination very interesting. I would like to add some idea of your blog, could you tell me what year you are for reference?
Thank you!
Good morning, Gerard! I’d love to hear more about your ideas about artistic residue — it sounds like something I would write about over at Lichtenbergianism.com! However I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “what year I am” — Are you asking my age or something else?