Time once again to flush the old spam filter…
(All capitalization and punctuation exactly as in the original.)
- 12 Biblical Ingredients That Can Reverse Diabetes
- 3 Things Jesus Said About How To Cure Disease
- THIS is how Korean girls get rid of blackheads
- Browse Used cars That Go Wherever You Take Them
- Compare Alcohol Rehab Options
- (dale) Doctors amazed at new “gut” medicine
- Harvard studies “Viagra” for the brain
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- 2 Match users are searching for you (find out who)
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- We miss you Dale Lyles
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- (dale) Want Trump’s brain?
And with that, I’m out.
Not quite. I couldn’t resist taking a peek inside that last one.
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This email went to dale@dalelyles.com. For no more from us, go here=0D
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That’s poetry. But I’m already years behind on my SUN TRUE FIRE project, so I will resist the urge to turn that into something.
But you can. Be my guest.