The Count [Dale Lyles] sings of how his "sighing turns into flying," while Susanna [Rachel Gordon] is clearly disgusted with having to "play a lover's part."

When he overhears Susanna telling Figaro they have won their case without a lawyer, the Count is livid and vows to devote his life to making theirs miserable.

Tired of her husband's unfaithfulness, the Countess [Brenda Barry-Weaver] vows to find "a way of rearranging his ungrateful, cheating heart."

At first, with Don Curzio's judgment against him, it looks as if Figaro [Scott Beckom] will have to marry Marcellina [Allison Upshaw Spragin], but then the truth comes out and Bartolo [Craig Humphrey] reveals "Behold, your mother!"

The Sextet [Matthew Bailey, Jr., Dale Lyles, Rachel Gordon, Allison Upshaw Spragin, Scott Beckom, Craig Humphrey] was, believe it or not, a laugh riot, from the general ridiculousness of the premise to Don Curzio's bugging eyeball to Bartolo's removal of his toupee at "His father!"

Susanna takes dictation from the Countess for a note for the Count: she'll meet him in the garden later (but the Countess will be wearing her costume instead.)

The chorus of peasant girls [Andrew Kreeger, Mary Anna Hendley, Shayna Ballou, Caroline Thrasher, Diana Kline, Courtney Wynn] brings roses to their beloved Countess.

"Here's your stinkin' officer!" yells Antonio [Lamar Payne] and pulls Cherubino's wig off to general consternation.

When Barbarina [Courtney Wynn] reminds him of his promises "when they were smooching," the Count is forced to abandon his plans to banish Cherubino and to give him to Barbarina as a husband instead.

The Wedding Song Lady [Diana Kline] and Barbarina compete in the perfectly dreadful wedding song.

During the reception, Susanna interrupts her foxtrot with the Count to slip him the note inviting him to the assignation in the garden.

Yes, that's a conga line during the final chorus of Act III.

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